“Never settle for less than the calling God has on your life, the purpose for which he created you, the impact he designed you to make in the world”

~ Erwin McManus ~

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Hi, I’m Julie – a life coach here to help women eager to move into something new. Women who want to matter. Women who want to feel confident that they’re living the full, purposeful life God has called them to.

Every single one of us has been created with a unique mission - yet the busyness of life, the expectations of others, and the noise of our own fears and doubts often drown out the call we hear in our heart. That can keep us from stepping fully into the opportunities that move us in the direction of our passion and purpose.

Whether you’re looking to explore what else life could hold alongside or after raising kids, are feeling stuck in a rut at work or in your relationships, or want a bit of guidance as you pursue a new adventure, I’d love to help you discover and courageously pursue your God-given gifts and calling.

Can I say this out loud?

“I love my kids, but I also want something that’s just mine, where no one calls me mommy.”

“I’ve been asked to lead or help with something new, and people tell me I’ll be great – but what if they’re wrong? How do I figure out what I’m good at and get the confidence to start?”

“Being a mom has basically defined my life for 20 years and I just don't know who I am now without my kids around."

“I'm tired of being who people say I should be. I want to be who God designed me to be.”

“Looking back over my life, I feel like I’ve missed out on so many opportunities. Isn’t it too late to start something new now?”

If that’s you, let’s talk

I’d love to be your champion. The person who not only knows how to ask the right questions but who will stick around to listen to your answers. The person who’s objective enough to give you perspective, yet invested enough to make it personal. The person who will stand in your balcony and cheer you on as you find your voice and follow your calling.

For me, that’s what coaching is all about. It’s my job to help you explore what’s at the root of your restlessness, your frustration, or your insecurity. To support you as you discover and give voice to the gifts and goals God has given you. To encourage you to confront your doubts and fears and combat them with truth. Then to empower you to make a practical plan of action to propel you in your dreams and calling.

“Julie has a God-given gift for listening and asking questions that move you forward in your journey. As I shared my struggles with her, she was able to hear what I was really saying, not just the words I used. As a result I was able to see not just the big picture moving forward, but also the next steps.”

— Kate —


How it works

The first thing I say to anyone thinking about coaching is just ‘get in touch’! Emailing me doesn’t commit you to anything, but it gives us a chance to talk through what’s prompted you to look for a coach – so you can ask any questions you’d like about me and what our time together might look like, and we can properly explore whether or not I’d be the right person to support you.

If you decide you’re ready for us to work together, I’ll send over a short questionnaire about what’s going on in your life at the moment. It’s often just as useful for you as it is for me, as it helps you to make sense of some of the thoughts, worries, and ideas you’ve probably had in your head for quite awhile.

Once we get started, my favorite way to coach is always face to face – so if you’re local to Tucson, AZ, you’ll be welcomed to my quiet back patio with a smile and a glass of ice-cold lemonade. But if you’re based somewhere else, we’ll find a way to make video calls as relaxed and personal as possible (although you’ll have to bring your own lemonade!)

You decide how we spend our time together

A one-hour session


During a focused hour of one-on-one time we can explore your biggest struggle, dream, or goal. We’ll look at where you want to be and any obstacles or fears that may be holding you back. You’ll leave armed with several practical steps to help you begin to move forward.

Three one-hour sessions OR one three-hour session


Taking a longer chunk of time together will allow us to dig a little deeper into defining your gifts and exploring your calling and purpose. I’ll help you look beyond your words to learn more about your desires and motivations and to understand and confront your fears. We’ll then come up with a clear plan of action to help you get where you want to go.


All payments will be through PayPal and I’m open to taking payments in installments as well as up front.

Ask about MOPS discounts and scholarships

Tailored group/leadership team coaching available on request.

What I bring to coaching

Being a trained life coach, licensed through Go + Tell Gals, is something I’ve only pursued recently. But working and walking with women as they figure out who God has called them to be – well, that’s something I’ve been doing for as long as I can remember.

In addition to being a wife for 35 years and counting, mom to two fierce daughters, and ‘Juju’ to six incredible grandkids, I’ve known the highs and lows of being both a foster mom and a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) for teenage girls in foster care.

I’ve also spent 15 years mentoring young moms through MOPS, and 17 years supporting women in Ghana by teaching life skills and community transformation.

Along the way I've gathered up some fascinating insights into the things that hold women back from living as fully and fearlessly as they’d like. Also the truth is that my own story is pretty messy, filled with mistakes and regrets as well as joys and triumphs.

So you can talk honestly and I’ll listen openly – no pretenses or pat answers, just real talk that’s focused on helping you work out your brave next steps.

“As I shared my dream to start a podcast, Julie helped me attack self-doubt and come up with a plan to make moves toward my goal. She has been a voice of truth and thoughtful feedback. She’s a great listener, full of wisdom and faith, and an encourager. Highly recommend!

— Autumn —

Ready to get started?

Remember, getting in touch doesn’t commit you to anything – it just means we can chat about what you’re looking for and whether I could help.

Email me at juliewesleycoaching@gmail.com or fill out the contact form and let’s get you on your way to living that full, purposeful life God has called you to.


“Julie asks questions that challenge and encourage, and turns the conversation so you can see things you haven’t seen - and she does it with thoughtfulness, insight and humor.”

— Christine —